Discover Design Inspiration with Lapa Ninja's New Features: Instant Search and Animation Website Elements

Discover Design Inspiration with Lapa Ninja's New Features: Instant Search and Animation Website Elements

Hello everyone,

It's Jen from Lapa.Ninja here, with the goal of helping you quickly find design ideas, discover the most beautiful websites on the internet. Today we are very excited to announce 2 important updates from Lapa Ninja recently: Animation Website Elements and Instant Search. Let's explore these 2 important features with us.

Instant Search


First of all, let us share about the Instant Search feature and why the team has spent a lot of time developing it recently:

  • Currently on Lapa.Ninja, we have over 6,300 posts to help you find design ideas for your products. Our team updates the site with new websites daily. While posts are categorized to help you find what you need quickly, we understand that the search process can still be quite time-consuming.
  • With Lapa Instant Search, simply type in keywords and see results instantly. For more details, click on a result to view the full post, complete with website screenshots, content, images, links, and color classifications.
  • Since its release, this feature has attracted significant traffic. We aim to provide more updates to enhance your idea searches. Start searching for ideas at

Animation Website Elements


Lapa.Ninja has done a great job in providing the most complete website screenshots for you, so if you want to reference the effects, interactions of the components... on the website, then how do you do it?

And the latest feature, Website Elements will help you with that. Let's get into more detail:

  • With this feature, you will have a completely new content to reference on Lapa Ninja, which is posts in the format of short videos, shot with dimensions of 1920 x 1080.
  • The short videos demonstrate actions, effects, and interactions on the website, providing you with a vivid experience.
  • These videos are divided into categories to help you quickly reference such as: Gallery, Loading, Menu, Mouse Interactions, Hover, Footer, Text Effect and more.
  • Our team will update more videos and categories in the future to help you grasp the latest design trends. Visit the website to start searching for your ideas today.

Submit Your Websites Today

If you have websites that you want to appear on Lapa Ninja, do not hesitate to email the team at πŸ’Œ, stay inspired with the latest website designs by following us on X:

Thank you for your continued support and we hope these new features will enhance your experience on Lapa.Ninja. Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the future!

❀️ Jen from Lapa.Ninja Team

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